BAARAN LEISURE is a recognized and reliable local travel agent in Sri Lanka Sri Lanka as you are aware, is a safe destination for any traveler. A huge potential exists in Sri Lanka as a holiday destination for adventure, family vacations, beach holidays, study, eco -tourism & sports tourism etc. We as a ground handling local agent would earnestly request you to tie-up with us in promoting Sri Lanka as a destination to your clients with a guarantee of high quality service.
I am based at the BAARAN LEISURE head office in Colombo and you may easily contact me via e –mail. I would also be delighted to telephone you at a convenient time if you would prefer to discuss your promotions through our company in person. If you wish to contact me, you could directly reach me on the contact numbers listed below in my e-mail signature. We are also the exclusive ground handling agent for very unique tour operators from the United Kingdom | New Zealand | Australia | South Africa | South Asia | Middle East & Europe.
We also would like to invite you for a familiarization tour of Sri Lanka with us in order to educate you and your team about the services we offer and what Sri Lanka has to offer to your valued customers.