About Front Beach
Front Beach is commonly referred to as Bai Truoc, but its real Vietnamese name is Bai Tam Duong (searching for the sun). Front Beach is best described as a bay. In fact, the French colonialists used to call it Coconut Bay. These days the bay is the stretch of water which lies between the chairlift and the ferry terminal, or in geographical terms, the bay between Big Mountain and Small Mountain. When people refer to Front Beach they are talking about the water, the beach-line, the promenade, Front Beach Park, Ha Long Road and even a few blocks back from the road. So Front Beach is much more than just a beach.
Front Beach is a working fishing beach. The small fishing boats off-load their catches to the awaiting wives, who quickly whisk the fish away to the nearby fish market. Fishermen and their families can be seen repairing nets and boats on the beach. Front Beach is a recreational beach. In the mornings hundreds of locals come here to swim and lie on and under its supposedly health-giving sand.
The new modern-looking promenade is alive with Vung Tau people enjoying a morning stroll under the coconut trees. Other regulars to Front Beach are to be found in scattered groups throughout the parks and walkways participating in dancing, aerobics and martial arts classes.