About Caripe
Caripe is a town in Caripe Municipality in the mountainous north of the state of Monagas in eastern Venezuela there is a city in Karip Municipality. The official name of the city is Caripe del Guacharo 'Caripe of the Oilbird'. This name refers to a colony of nyakshatra birds, who live in the nearby cave, Qiva del Gucciero, where Alexander von Humboldt studied during his Latin American campaign in 1799. During the trip to Humboldt, Carip was home to a Capuchin mission. The name of this town originally came from the Carib language.
It was said that Caripet was a prominent name, whose son, Caripito 'Little Carip', toward its confluence with the Rio San Juan which is vacant in Golfo de Paria near the Orinoco River Delta Karip went down the river and established Carri Pito town in the lowland. It is not clear how much history behind the legend. The area's climate is exceptionally pleasant, its height about 1000 meters high latitude approximately 10, and is a result of proximity to the Caribbean Sea compared to Andres in the west of Verdelola, compared to the hills of the Cordillera de Cariparpe range.
There are few, among which Sero Turumir sometimes spelled and then pronounced as Tormimir is 2595 meters high, followed by Sero Negro at 2430 meters. They are round mountains, which are covered with lush vegetation like the Appalachian mountains in the United States. The limestone scenes reminded Alexander Vaughan Humboldt of Derbyshire in England, in which limestone geology is the same. The soil of Karpe Valley is very fertile: Truck gardens. Fruit gardens especially citrus and many varieties of banana and other farming carp Tourism tents source of income for opium.