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Epping Forest

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About Epping Forest

Epping Forest is a 2,400 hectares 5,900 sections of land territory of old forest between Epping in the north and Wanstead in the south, straddling the outskirt between Greater London and Essex. It is a previous imperial backwoods, and is overseen by the City of London Corporation. A region of 1,728 hectares 4,270 sections of land is a site of Special Scientific Interest and a Special Area of Conservation. It gives its name to the Epping Forest neighborhood government locale, which covers some portion of it.

The backwoods is around 19 kilometers 12 mi long in the north-south bearing, however close to 4 kilometers 2.5 mi from east to west at its vastest point, and in many places impressively smaller. It lies on an edge between the valleys of the streams Lea and Roding. It contains territories of forest, field, heath, streams, lowlands and lakes, and its rise and thin gravelly soil the consequence of glaciation truly made it unacceptable for farming. The name "Epping Forest" was first recorded in the 17th century; preceding this it was a piece of the bigger Waltham Forest which gives its name to the present-day London Borough of Waltham Forest, which covers some portion of the advanced timberland. The territory which ended up known as Waltham, and after that Epping Forest has been constantly forested since Neolithic occasions.

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