Indian Railways to launch 800 special Kumbh Mela trains to Prayagraj, featuring Kumbh-Logo such as ‘Kumbh-Chalo’ and pictures of bare-bodied Naga sadhus taking a dip in the river. Kumbh Mela which celebrates the holy union of river Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati are going to take place from 15 January to 4 March, which is expecting around 120 million people to visit.
Wherein 12 million pilgrims are expected on January 15 Makar Sankranti, 5.5 million on January 21 Paush Purnima, 30 million on February 4 Mauni Amavasya, 20 million on February 10 Basant Panchami, 16 million on February 19 Maghi Purnima, and 6 million on March 4 Mahashivratri, as stated by the state government.
The Kumbh Mela is the largest gathering, which takes place every 12 years and lasts for about two months, is considered to be as an auspicious time to bathe in the holy river for purification of all your sins.
Prayagraj the headquarters of the North Central Railways is the main center of the event and Indian railways have made all the arrangements to ensure the cleanliness and safety measures to be taken care of, also a lot of work regarding upkeep has been outsourced to the private firms.
Apart from that, there will be around 10,000 enclosures to house pilgrims will be set up at Allahabad Junction and all of them will be equipped with water booths, vending stalls, ticket counters, LCD TV and separate toilets for men and women.
There will also be a temporary helipad operational during the mela for which construction is in progress at Hariharvan village near the city.
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