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Zaldiaran Trip Packages
Zaldiaran Trip Packages


Alava, Basque Country, Spain
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About Zaldiaran

Zaldiaran is a 978 metres high mountain a part of the Montes de Vitoria mountainous range, located on the Alava, Basque Country. Even if a part of the south face of the mountain is at the Trevino exclave, the summit is itself on Alava. Next to the summit, a few metres beneath, there is the Zaldiarango gaina, with a peak of 780 metres a mountain bypass that communicates Alava with the Trevino exclave at its maximum point, wherein the frontier is placed. The roads that talk these two provinces are the A-3102 that comes from Alava and the BU-742, which heads for Trevino exclave.

At the top of the mountain, aside from a tall metallic go that turned into located in 1950 by means of the hiker club Manuel Iradier, there are some massive aerials that transmit tv and radio sign to Vitoria-Gasteiz. The major and maximum popular get admission to point is from Berrosteguieta. The path starts in this village, on the foot of Zaldiaran at the motorway that is going to the Zaldiaran mountain pass. After following this street 200 metres the path arrives to an esplanade,subsequent to a large aerial. Opposite there is a water tank.

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