About Girona
Girona is a city in Catalonia, Spain, at the intersection of the waterways Ter, Onyar, Galligants, and Guell and has an official populace of 99,013 as of January 2017. It is the capital of the area of a similar name and of the comarca of the Girones. It is found 99 km northeast of Barcelona. Girona is one of the real Catalan urban communities. The principal recorded occupants in the district were Iberians; Girona is the old Gerunda, a city of the Ausetani. Afterward, the Romans manufactured a stronghold there, which was given the name of Gerunda.
The Visigoths governed in Girona until the point that it was vanquished by the Moors in 715. At long last, Charlemagne reconquered it in 785 and made it one of the fourteen unique districts of Catalonia. It was wrested briefly from the Moors, who recovered it in 793. From this time until the point when the Moors were at last determined out, 1015, the city over and over changed hands and was sacked a few times by the Moors in 827, 842, 845, 935, 982. Wilfred the Hairy consolidated Girona into the County of Barcelona in 878.
Alfonso I of Aragon d Girona a city in the eleventh century. The antiquated area later turned into a duchy 1351 when King Peter III of Aragon gave the title of Duke to his first-conceived child, John. In 1414, King Ferdinand I thusly gave the title of ruler of Girona to his first-conceived child, Alfonso. The title is right now conveyed by Princess Leonor of Asturias, the second since the sixteenth century to do.