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Seoraksan National Park Trip Packages

Seoraksan National Park

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About Seoraksan National Park

Seoraksan National Park is a national park in South Korea. It indexed by way of the South Korean authorities with UNESCO as a tentative World Heritage web site. The government unique the place as a nature reserve in 1965 and UNESCO certain it as a biosphere reserve in 1982. It turned into also the first Korean country wide park to be named beneath the National Park Law in 1970.

Located on the east-valuable Korean peninsula, the reserve consists of Injegun, Yanyanggun, and Sokchosi. It is famous with travelers and nature lovers. It is domestic to many rare taxa of flowers and fauna. The reserve has an area of 163.6 square kilometers and consists of many mountain peaks measuring over 1,200 meters above sea stage, the tallest being Daecheongbong, at an altitude of 1,708 meters. The ranges are composed largely of dissected granite and gneiss. The annual precipitation is set 1,000 mm in Inner Soraksan and 1,300 mm in Outer Soraksan.

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