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Korail Railroad Museum Trip Packages
Korail Railroad Museum Trip Packages
Korail Railroad Museum Trip Packages

Korail Railroad Museum

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About Korail Railroad Museum

The museum capabilities diverse materials and objects like artifacts and vehicles from the over 100 years of railroad records in Korea, which commenced with the first miracle on September 18, 1899. The first ground houses a records corridor and an showcase devoted to gadgets from railroad cars. The 2d ground makes a speciality of electronics, communications, facilities and structure, and items associated with the transportation industry. The first floor also has a Railroad Model Panorama Room, which capabilities replicas of the numerous trains that have traversed the Korean nation-state, right from the primary steam engine until the KTX.

There's also an outdoor exhibit place providing a real steam engine educate, a presidential teach, as well as passenger and cargo trains. The presidential teach was delivered in May of 2015 for visitors to experience. Over 30 diverse train automobiles, along with a steam train and presidential train. Track conservation equipment, crane and other special vehicles. Wooden signal apparatus, water tower, railroad switch.

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