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Ramon Palace Trip Packages
Ramon Palace Trip Packages

Ramon Palace

Voronezh, Voronezh Oblast, Russia
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About Ramon Palace

Ramon Palace is a red-brick neo-Gothic palace in Voronezh, Voronezh Oblast Russia. It turned into constructed in 1883–87 for Princess Eugenia Maximilianovna of Leuchtenberg and her husband Duke Alexander Petrovich of Oldenburg. It is registered as an item of Russian cultural historical past. In 1879 Tsar Alexander II gave the estate of Ramon to Princess Eugenia and the Duke of Oldenburg as a marriage gift. In 1883 they commissioned construction of the palace, in purple brick, inside the fashion of an English Gothic fort with gatehouse. The architect is generally said to had been Christopher Neysler, however some sources attribute the design to Nicholas Benois. The building used "foot bricks" synthetic consistent with a conventional process concerning peasants treading the clay into wood frames for firing.

The building is adorned with wrought iron and the grounds in the beginning had fountains and a menagerie, which include bears who have been housed within the cellars in iciness. The grand staircase main to the primary floor, wherein there was firstly a ballroom, has shallow steps to house the tight skirts then in style; Princess Eugenia is notion to have had enter into this and different components of the indoors layout. There seems to were a relevant heating machine of air ducts in the walls, and the Duke's bath changed into lowered into the cellar through a trapdoor to be full of warm water.

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