About Mahabat Khan Mosque
The Mahabat Khan Mosque sometimes spelt Mohabbat Khan Mosque, is a 17th-century Mughal-era mosque in Peshawar, Pakistan. The mosque was worked in 1630, and named after the Mughal legislative head of Peshawar, Nawab Mahabat Khan receptacle Ali Mardan Khan, referred to then again as Mahabat Khan and Ali Mardan Khan. The mosque's white marble facade is presently one of Peshawar's most famous sights. The mosque was worked somewhere in the range of 1660 and 1670, on what was the most noteworthy point in the old city.
The minarets of the Mohabbat Khan Mosque were every now and again utilized in Sikh occasions for hanging detainees. Five individuals for every day were dangled from the minarets to compare to the Sunni Islamic routine with regards to asking five times each day, ‘as a substitute for the scaffold'. Following the Soviet intrusion of Afghanistan, exile ancestral senior citizens would assemble in the mosque with a specific end goal to fashion solidarity among Afghans against the Soviets.
5 curved entryways offer passage into the principle supplication lobby. The focal curve is the tallest, and highlights cusped curves average of the Mughal style. The focal curve is flanked by two somewhat shorter un-cusped curves, that are planned in the Persian and Central Asian style. These curves are flanked by a littler curve enlivened in a comparable style, and line of 7 little angled entries are found over the tip of each curve.