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Stonehenge Aotearoa Trip Packages
Stonehenge Aotearoa Trip Packages
Stonehenge Aotearoa Trip Packages

Stonehenge Aotearoa

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About Stonehenge Aotearoa

Stonehenge Aotearoa, built by means of contributors of The Phoenix Astronomy Society near Carterton, New Zealand, is a current adaptation of the Stonehenge ruins on the Salisbury Plain of England. The henge, constructed over 2 years and opened on 12 February 2005 with the aid of Nobel Laureate Professor Alan MacDiarmid, incorporates 24 pillars and is 30 meters in diameter and about four meters excessive. The pillars are capped with lintels, completing the circle, and a five meters tall obelisk marks the middle of the henge. The modern-day henge changed into designed to demonstrate how ancient peoples used such constructions to understand astronomy. Since Stonehenge Aotearoa is at a exceptional range and longitude than the authentic Stonehenge, it is not an genuine reproduction some measurements had to be modified to preserve certain astronomical houses.

Its layout turned into inspired not only by means of the unique Stonehenge, however also by means of navigational and astronomical techniques of Polynesia and of the New World. Stonehenge Aotearoa additionally differs from its Salisbury cousin in construction; the pillars, lintels and principal obelisk aren't hewn stone; however are hollow structures with concrete molding forming their outdoors.

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