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About Rhijnauwen

Rhijnauwen is a fort, former heerlijkheid, and former municipality inside the Dutch province of Utrecht. It was placed northwest of the village of Bunnik. The municipality existed from 1818 to 1857, when it turned into merged with Bunnik. It consisted of the previous heerlijkheden Amelisweerd and Rhijnauwen. Around 1850, it had 50 population. The name remains used to denote the small woodland that separates Bunnik and Utrecht. The name is probably derived from Rhijnauwen Auen, an vintage phrase for the wet meadows along the Rhine. The property is probably from the thirteenth century.

The first mention of the manor Rhijnauwen dates again to 1212. The House turned into inside the first half of of the 14th century it belonged to the genus of Lichtenberg. This family became one of the maximum effective households of Utrecht and had also Lichtenberg House, which become positioned in an area now a part of the metropolis corridor in Utrecht. Rhijnauwen changed into officially identified in 1536 as a manor.

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