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Drakensteyn Castle

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About Drakensteyn Castle

Drakensteyn Castle is a small fort at eight Slotlaan inside the hamlet of Lage Vuursche, inside the municipality of Baarn, Netherlands. It is the private residence of Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands, the u . S .'s former Queen. The royal connection aside, its most special function is its octagonal shape. It is surrounded through a moat that can be crossed through a bridge. Its style may be defined as Classicist. A residence known as Drakesteijn at this location became first mentioned in 1359, but the modern-day building was constructed inside the years 1640–1643 for a Gerard van Reede Läm. In the seventeenth and 18th centuries the fortress changed palms on several events.

In 1807 Paulus Wilhelmus Bosch, mayor of Utrecht, have become the owner of Drakensteyn Castle. The residence remained inside the possession of that family for 150 years until Frederik Lodewijk Bosch van Drakestein sold it to Princess Beatrix. It have to not be careworn with the nearby Klein Drakesteijn, which turned into built in 1780.

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