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Santa Prisca de Taxco

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About Santa Prisca de Taxco

The Parroquia de Santa Prisca y San Sebastian, typically known as the Church of Santa Prisca, is a colonial monument placed inside the town of Taxco de Alarcon, inside the southern nation of Guerrero, Mexico, built among 1751 and 1758. It is placed at the east side of the main plaza of Taxco, and is one of the few Baroque buildings within the kingdom of Guerrero. The construction changed into ordered by Jose de l. A. Borda, one of the most rich mine proprietors of the place of Taxco within the 18th century.

From 1758 to 1806, the temple was the tallest building in Mexico, but changed into surpassed by the Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. The parish is located in a small ravine to the west of the old metropolis of Taxco. It has a Latin go plan, with an aisle chapel which serves because the altar of the souls. It has Churrigueresque twin towers and a chapel adorned with Talavera tiles, usual of New Spanish structure.

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