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Lago de Camecuaro National Park Trip Packages
Lago de Camecuaro National Park Trip Packages
Lago de Camecuaro National Park Trip Packages

Lago de Camecuaro National Park

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About Lago de Camecuaro National Park

Lago de Camecuaro National Park is positioned east of the metropolis of Zamora de Hidalgo within the municipality of Tangancicuaro inside the kingdom of Michoacan. The Park includes 9.65 hectares of blanketed place including Camécuaro Lake that is provided with the aid of a series of natural springs. The lake is famous because of crystal clean water and the beautiful plant life that surrounds the lake. Even although the lake is enormously small, many photographers from throughout Mexico come to take professional photos that capture the parks picturesque views.

Lago de Camecuaro National Park is placed 14 km east of the metropolis of Zamora de Hidalgo, Michoacan on Federal Highway 15 heading closer to Morelia, Michoacan. The lake itself has a surface vicinity of approximately 1.6 hectares and has a maximum depth of 6 metres. The lake is provided with water from severa springs slightly to the south of the lake. Camecuaro Lake then empties at a sluggish fee into the Duero River that is an important tributary to the Lerma River.

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