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Isla de Sacrificios

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About Isla de Sacrificios

Isla de Sacrificios "Island of Sacrifices" is an island in the Gulf of Mexico, arranged off the Gulf coastline close to the port of Veracruz, in Mexico. The waters encompassing the island are a piece of the Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano National Marine Park. It is right now shut to the general population and is under the security of the Secretariat of the Navy.

The island got its name when it was diagrammed by the undertaking in 1518 under Juan de Grijalva, the primary Spanish campaign to inspect this segment of the Gulf Coast. As per the record of Bernal Diaz, an individual from the endeavor whose Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva Espana broadly reviews the adventures of the conquistadores on this and the succeeding endeavor driven by Hernán Cortes, in the wake of arriving on the island.

In 1683, Laurens de Graaf and Nicholas van Hoorn withdrew to the island after their assault on Veracruz. Once on the island, Van Hoorn ended up eager at deferrals in accepting payoff installments. He requested 12 Spanish detainees executed and had their heads conveyed to Veracruz as an indication of his disappointment. De Graaf was incensed and the two squabbled and afterward battled a duel amid which Van Hoorn got minor damage to his wrist. The injury turned gangrenous and Van Hoorn kicked the bucket presently.

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