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Biblioteca Palafoxiana

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About Biblioteca Palafoxiana

The Biblioteca Palafoxiana is a library in Puebla, Mexico. Founded in 1646, it changed into the primary public library in colonial Mexico, and is on occasion taken into consideration the primary in the Americas. It has greater than forty five,000 books and manuscripts, ranging from the fifteenth to the 20 th century. In 2005, it turned into listed on UNESCO's Memory of the World Register. The Biblioteca Palafoxiana owes its call and basis to Juan de Palafox y Mendoza, bishop of Puebla. On 6 September 1646, Palafox y Mendoza donated 5,000 of his personal gadgets to the Colegio de San Juan which changed into founded by using him at the situation that they be made to be had to the general public.

He wrote that "it's far very useful and convenient that there have to be in this metropolis and country a public library, where all kinds of people might be able to examine as they wish". The Biblioteca Palafoxiana has extra than 41,000 books and manuscripts, ranging from the fifteenth to the 20th century. It has 3 foremost collections: vintage books, manuscripts, and pamphlets and broadsheets. It additionally has nine incunabula. The oldest text within the library is the Chronicle of Nuremberg dated 1493.

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