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Barranca del Cupatitzio National Park

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About Barranca del Cupatitzio National Park

Barranca del Cupatitzio National Park is a national park in the Mexican nation of Michoacan, targeted around the headwaters of the Cupatitzio River. The river emerges from an underground spring, carving a small ravine because the water begins to glide. The park is thought for its abundant streams and is derived, many of which cascade down the sides of the ravine to form small waterfalls. Barranca del Cupatitzio became d a federally blanketed vicinity in 1938, after the land became sold by means of the Mexican authorities to create a undertaking vicinity.

Most of the park is placed within the northwest a part of the municipality of Uruapan, with the relaxation positioned in the neighboring municipality of Nuevo Parangaricutiro. The park is largely urban, with the maximum popular phase absolutely surrounded by way of the city of Uruapan. Inside, the ground is soft and wet, with extensive-leafed temperate and tropical flora, diverse taking walks paths close to the river, and some of artificial fountains constructed on the sides of the ravine to take gain of herbal water flows. The park attracts tens of heaps of traffic each year.

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