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Istana Iskandariah

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About Istana Iskandariah

Istana Iskandariah is the imperial castle of the Perak Sultanate and the official habitation of the Sultan of Perak since its finishing in 1933. It is situated in the regal town of Kuala Kangsar, Perak, Malaysia. Every one of the Sultans of Perak have been introduced in the castle since its fulfillment. The castle is named after Sultan Iskandar Shah Ibni Almarhum Sultan Idris Murshidul Azzam Shah I Rahmatullah 1918 - 1938 who started its development.

The illustrious town of Kuala Kangsar was said to have strangy affected Sultan Mudzaffar Shah of Perak who ruled from 1877 to 1887. Dissimilar to numerous rulers who ensured their imperial spots and fortifications by choosing their vantage focuses deliberately where they could identify foe come nearer from a far distance, the Sultan had his first illustrious castle worked next to the riverbank. He at that point named it 'Istana Sri Sayong'.

Aside from being presented to the approaching risk of intrusion, the other issue was the power of rainstorm seasons, which prompted ious flooding as dilute spouted from the wildernesses above through the numerous tributaries. One flooding was so extreme, it relatively cleared the royal residence away. At last, after the Big Flood or Air Bah in 1926, it was chosen to move the place additionally up onto the meadow where stands the present Royal Palace.

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