About Toliara
Toliara is a city in Madagascar. It is the capital of the Ittimo-Andrifa region, located 936 kilometers south-west of the national capital, Antananarivo. The current spelling of this name was adopted in the 1970s, which shows the orthography of Malagasy language. During the colonial period, many spelling names of France were assigned, which was changed in 1960 after Malagasy independence. The city's population is 156,710 in 2013. As port city, it acts as a major import / export center, such as Cussell, for goods. Soap, cannabis, cotton, rice and groundnut.
In the 17th century, French bookners landed in the Gulf of St. Augustine near Tropic of Capricorn, and established the city to maintain commercial relations. It was not until the colonial period, after 1897, when the city really grew: with the efforts of Joseph Galliano, to establish the French administrative services, which was previously isolated on the island of Nosy Ve, making the regional capital for. With Tulier wide streets and public monuments, cross roads developed with grid patterns.