Chaikhana Jalal-Abad
About Chaikhana Jalal-Abad
Jalal Abad is close to Ala-Too Square and every one of the stores along Chuy Prospect. It brags a menu work in Southern Kyrgyz dishes – subsequently the reason it is named for Southern Kyrgyzstan's real city – and keeping in mind that the vast majority of the regional distinction were lost on my Western palette, I was anxious to attempt the plov. Maybe you know it as pilaf.
This rice dish is common throughout the Middle East, Central Asia, and the Caucasus, with numerous regional and national iations. The faceted facade evokes an archetypal Central Asian teahouse with carved wooden columns, tapchan bedlike platform and octagonal lattice-work pavilions.
The main restaurant interior has far less character, but produces a fine selection of well-priced local, Kazakh and southern Kyrgyz dishes. Outside of meal times, which get busy, it's also a relaxing place to sit around and drink tea.
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