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Mount Atago

Kamogawa, Chiba Prefecture, Japan
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About Mount Atago

Mount Atago is a mountain on the border of the cities of Minamiboso and Kamogawa in Chiba Prefecture, Japan with an altitude of 408.2 m 1,339 toes. It is the best point in Chiba Prefecture. Mount Atago is at the west of the Mineoka Mountain District of the Boso Hill Range. The kanji for Mount Atago and, suggest love and cave respectively. The mountain is likewise referred to as Mineoka Atago-yama as several other hills and mountains proportion the same name in Japan, most drastically Mount Atago in the Tamba Mountains to the northwest of Kyoto.

Mount Atago changed into placed inside the historical Awa Province, which occupied the southern tip of the Boso Peninsula. Minamoto no Yoritomo 1147–1199, founder and first shogun of the Kamakura shogunate, visited Awa Province rapidly earlier than his return to Kyoto and the establishment of the shogunate. He visited Mount Atago, devoted a Jizo Bosatsu statue on the summit of the mountain, and vowed to return to the place.

Ount Atago is open to the public handiest by way of permission of the JASDF. Hiking calls for permission, at least every week in advance, from the JASDF Mineokayama Sub-Base. Permission isn't always granted. Photography of the radar facility is not authorized.

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