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Kannonji Temple

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About Kannonji Temple

Kannonji Temple is the sixteenth temple on the 88 Temple Shikoku Pilgrimage around Shikoku that praises Kobo Daishi. It is one of a group of five temples situated in suburbia of Tokushima city that can without much of a stretch be visited together in a half day. It is just 1.7 kilometers from the past sanctuary, Kokubunji, and 76 kilometers from the beginning of the journey. There is a second sanctuary on the journey named Kannonji, number 69 in Kagawa.

Kannonji Temple is noted for a work of art of a lady encompassed by blazes. The story is that in the nineteenth century a female explorer by the name of Shiyo was drying her garments beside a flame and she burst into flames. She was spared yet acknowledged she was being rebuffed for beating her mom in her childhood with consuming sticks. There is additionally a famous statue of a Yonaki Jizo who helps calm children who cry in the night.

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