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Piscina Mirabilis

Bacoli, Campania, Italy
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About Piscina Mirabilis

The Piscina Mirabilis is an antiquated Roman storage on the Bacoli slope at the western end of the Gulf of Naples, southern Italy. It was one of the biggest old storages and was arranged there so as to give the Roman western magnificent armada at Portus Julius with drinking water. Portus Julius was the principal harbor explicitly developed to be a base for the Roman western maritime armada, the classis Misenensis. The storage was uncovered completely from underneath the tuff slope and was 15 meters high, 72 metres long, and 25 meters wide.

The capacity was 12,600 cubic metres. It was supported by vaulted ceilings and a total of 48 pillars. It was supplied with water from the main Roman aqueduct, the Aqua Augusta, which brought water from sources in Serino near Avellino, 100 kilometres distant, to most of the sites around Naples. The ancient cistern is currently in private hands, but it may be visited by the public.

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