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Sukhna Wildlife Sanctuary Trip Packages
Sukhna Wildlife Sanctuary Trip Packages

Sukhna Wildlife Sanctuary

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About Sukhna Wildlife Sanctuary

Sukhna Wildlife Sanctuary is positioned in Shivalik foothills of Chandigarh town, close to Sukhna Lake. It turned into d a flora and fauna sanctuary in 1998. The records of the Sukhna Lake and the Sukhna Wildlife Sanctuary is intertwined. The Sukhna Lake changed into a part of the development plans of the city of Chandigarh and turned into planned and constructed from 1958, through the sixties and seventies. It become an artificial lake that become fed with rain water from the catchment areas within the Shivalik Hills.

Siltation turned into a big problem for the Sukhna Lake that needed to be tackled and it changed into minimized by way of many engineering and soil conservation techniques. A large scale afforestation application was taken up within the catchment place. Although the Sukhna Wildlife Sanctuary turned into officially d as a covered flora and fauna sanctuary in March 1998 but this semi hilly area changed into already under good enough wooded area cover.

After 1998 extra systematic and a large scale afforestation application changed into taken up within the catchment areas that resulted in a similarly higher wooded area cover evolved inside the catchment place. The deep forest place that grew in length over 5 decades have become the house to a huge type of animals and plant life. This wooded area was then distinctive as a covered sanctuary; Sukhna Wildlife Sanctuary Sukhna Wildlife Sanctuary has a rich kind of flowers and fauna.

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