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About Khem Karan
Khem Karan is a town and a nagar panchayat in Tarn Taran locale of Patti tehsil of the Majha area of Indian territory of Punjab. It was the site of a noteworthy tank fight in 1965 coming about it additionally being known as the memorial park of tanks. The 1965 Indo-Pakistani War was observer to the biggest tank fight in military history between World War II and 1965. The fight prompted the production of Patton Nagar at the site of the fight viz., Khemkaran. Khem Karan is an old town. Master Tegh Bahadur visited it.
It used to be in Lahore locale before segment of British India in 1947. It turned into a piece of Amritsar locale after the segment. Presently it is in Tarn Taran area. A considerable lot of the town's inhabitants relocated from close-by towns in current Pakistan somewhere in the range of 1947 and 1965, for example, Nathuwala, Qadiwind, Rohiwal, and Sehjra. The towns Muslim inhabitants relocated principally to the city of Kasur, 8 km away in Pakistan.
The town used to be effortlessly available to the city of Kasur, Pakistan just 8 km away, and to Ferozepur 35 km away, yet since India and Pakistan instituted outskirt controls in 1953, and additionally confined travel in 1965, the occupants of the Khem Karan have been basically cut off from the two towns - Kasur lies in Pakistan, while the street to Ferozepur slices through Pakistan, bringing about a reroute of an additional 70 kilometer's drive. The townpeople, and those from encompassing towns, should now venture out a long separation to Patti, Amritsar or Tarn Taran to acquire any significant products, causing awesome bother, and monetary stagnation.
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Hellotravel user
01 Apr 2023 05:57 AM
5 years