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About Aam Khas Bagh

Aam Khas Bagh, today is really stays of a thruway motel built for the utilization of eminence and also ordinary citizens as its name signifies. This Royal hotel was at first worked by Babur expanded and nearly remade by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan along the Mughal military street among Delhi and Lahore, and The Royal couple used to remain here in the old building complex, while going to and returning from Lahore. The complex was well known for an impeccable cooling framework called Sarad Khana. The Sheesh Mahal of the Daulat-Khana-e-Khas, the hamam and the tank had exceptional strategies for warming water.

The royal residence compound additionally had an arrangement of wellsprings. Water for the wellsprings was drawn from a gigantic well close-by and circled through underground courses. A wonderful garden and the Nursery is being maintained. It is a Mugal compose Garden. The old complex, which has archeological esteem, is being kept up by the Archeological Survey of India. The territory was kept up till a couple of years prior. Structures in most noticeably bad condition incorporate Daulat Khana Khas, Sard Khana and Shahi Hamaam.

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