About Radio and TV museum
The aggregation of the Post Museum's material begun in 1881 of each a first floor room of the head post office where device, equipment and parts were held in store for the communicate office for the inspirations driving substitution, exchange or getting ready.
From this communicate storeroom the social event called the Telegraph Museum was made, which later also gave an essential survey.
More unmistakable main thrust was given to the discerning social occasion of articles related to postal history by the national introduction held in 1885, which exhibited the country's cultivating, industry, business and transport – and inside this postal association – to the general populace.
Despite the creating number of property, the show on postal history in the essential introduction zone for open show, which had a story space of only 70 m2, was unassuming while that on communicate history was far wealthier.
The lessons drawn from this show instigated the expanding of the presentation lobby's social event.
Exactly when the post and the transmit office united in 1887, some wished to deal with the issue of where to house the social affair by scrambling it, while others saw the course of action in the arrangement of a joint verifiable place for the solidified foundations.