Peng Chau
About Peng Chau
With respect to island objectives in Hong Kong, Peng Chau now and again winds up on the explorer design, making it the perfect place to make tracks in a contrary heading from every single one of those people endeavoring to make tracks in a contrary bearing from everything.
As opposed to territory Chinese visit social occasions and praising young people, you will find old havens, a common shoreline, sensible restaurants and streets much of the time absolutely without people, fuss, pollution.
Peng Chau isn't a swimming objective yet Tung Wan, the little straight finished the island from the ship dock, is home to one of Hong Kong's most lovely shorelines.
Secured by calculating vessels, the principle sound is the lapping of the waves and the irregular blast of mahjong tiles being adjusted in adjoining houses.
On a fresh morning, sit on the shoreline as the sun sets behind you, the light reflecting off the city skyline out there