Museo Popol Vuh
About Museo Popol Vuh
A wonderful present-day historical center including a progression of topical rooms that report phases of Guatemalan culture and history, Museo Popol Vuh exists inside the Fransisco Marroquin University. Its little size still figures out how to house complicated presentations displaying pre-Hispanic puppets, incense burners, cut wooden veils, internment urns, customary materials, and other archeological Mayan antiques.
The exhibition hall additionally contains pioneer sketches, overlaid wood, and silver ancient rarities that give a false representation of the nation's religious history. It sits opposite the Ixchel Native Costume Museum, so in the event that you intend to have a culture pressed morning or evening, hit both. In any case, before you make a beeline for Ixchel, make sure to look at the work of art of the Guatemalan triumph in the downstairs of this social pearl.