About Runkel
Runkel is a town on the Lahn River in Limburg-Weilburg region in Hesse, Germany. Runkel lies in the Lahn Valley on the two sides of the waterway between the Westerwald and the Taunus, somewhere in the range of 8 km east of Limburg. The town comprises of 9 Stadtteile. The town's first narrative notice came in 1159 out of an enfeoffment document in which an aristocrat named Siegfried von Runkel had his name show up as an observer. It is trusted that this Siegfried was the person who fabricated Runkel Castle. In 1191 Siegfried wedded a noblewoman of Katzenelnbogen.
This high honorable family constrained Dietrich of Runkel to open his strongholds Runkel and Dehrn. No later than 1230, the mansion had a house of prayer, consequently giving Runkel its first church building. In 1288, following quite a while of family debate, the Lords of Runkel and those of Westerburg sundered into two lines. In 1440, building work started on the Lahn connect, yet inferable from the crack between the Runkels and the Westerburgs, the work took until 1448. In 1447 Count Philipp of Katzenelnbogen was the master ruler.