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Luisenburg Rock Labyrinth Trip Packages

Luisenburg Rock Labyrinth

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About Luisenburg Rock Labyrinth

The Luisenburg Rock Labyrinth is a felsenmeer made of granite blocks several metres throughout and is part of the Grobes Labyrinth Nature Reserve close to Wunsiedel in Germany. For a long term its formation become believed to have been resulting from herbal disasters such as earthquakes. Today it's miles regarded that strategies together with weathering and erosion over a protracted length are much more likely to were responsible for the formation of the rock labyrinth.

The jumble of rocks named after Queen Louise changed into already being exploited for tourism within the 18th century and it's also famous these days as a result of the herbal amphitheatre surrounded with the aid of rocks as well as the yearly Luisenburg Pageant that take vicinity there. The idea of commencing it up and exploiting it changed into heavily prompted by means of the Society for the Portrayal of the History, Customs and Rights of the Fatherland mounted in Wunsiedel in 1784. The local townsfolk started out around 1790 to turn the rocky region right into a landscape garden.

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