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Hofbrauhaus Traunstein Trip Packages

Hofbrauhaus Traunstein

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About Hofbrauhaus Traunstein

Hofbrauhaus Traunstein is a beer brewery in Traunstein, southeastern Bavaria, Germany. The Bavarian duke and sovereign decide on, Maximilian I, Elector of Bavaria, in reaction to call for for beer, set up a 'Weibes Brauhaus', with crowning glory in 1612. Opened to begin with with a public bar. The Wittelsbach sovereign Maximilian I who had laid claim to the monopoly on wheat beer, used the brewery in order to stability the finances and pay off the burden of debt which were accumulated via way of inheritance from his father.

However due to the puritanical nature of Maximilian, he enacted laws towards opulent guesthouses and towards excessive wine and beer intake notwithstanding the financial advantage that became had from the brewery. Between 1705 and 1851 the brewery become a victim of fireplace, together with 1704 to start with when Pandurs pillaged Traunstein, and in 1851 whilst arsonists razed the city to the floor, additionally destroying over one hundred houses, the Town Hall, the County Court, the Main Salt Office, the Pension Office, the Church, and several towers. The brewery became saved through its workers who extinguished the flames with the very beer it produced.

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