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Chateau de Greifenstein Trip Packages
Chateau de Greifenstein Trip Packages

Chateau de Greifenstein

Saverne, Grand Est, France
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About Chateau de Greifenstein

The Chateau de Greifenstein is a ruined castle in the commune of Saverne in the Bas-Rhin departement of France. Property of the state, it has been recorded since 1898 as a landmark historique by the French Ministry of Culture. The Grand-Greifenstein was, without uncertainty, established in the principal half of the 12th century by the knight Meribodo de Greifenstein who had close connects to the Ochenstein family. The Petit-Greifenstein dates from the finish of the 13th century or beginning of the 14th century.

Visitors can recognize two manors isolated by a vast discard. The more established part has the biggest keep in Alsace with 13 meters a side. A redesigned pinnacle remains between the two keeps at the focal point of the site. It was most likely piece of Grand-Greifenstein. From the porch there is an unobstructed perspective on Saverne, the Château du Haut-Barr, the Chateau du Grand-Geroldseck, the valley of the Zorn and the Saint-Vit sanctuary.

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