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Abbey of Saint-Gilles

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About Abbey of Saint-Gilles

The Abbey of Saint-Gilles is a cloister in Saint-Gilles, southern France. Established by Saint Giles, it is incorporated into the UNESCO Heritage List, as a major aspect of the World Heritage Sites of the Routes of Santiago de Compostela in France. The nunnery church is in run of the mill southern French Romanesque style. The facade, worked from 1120 to 1160, has an improved passageway porch with three entries the focal one bigger with Corinthian sections and medieval model enrichments.

These incorporate, in the lower part, a bestiary and scenes from the Old Testament; in the center one it has statues and characters from the New Testament; the frieze and the tympana over the last have additionally scenes from a similar book, including the "Reverence of the Magi", the "Torturous killing of Jesus" and a "Maesta". The tomb, or lower church, dates to the mid 11th century. It quantifies 50 by 25 meters, and possesses the entire underground segment of the nave.

In its middle is the tomb of St. Giles, a medieval spot of reverence until in the 16th century, his relics were moved to the Basilica of Saint Sernin at Toulouse. The upper church, with a nave and two apses, for the most part has a place with the 17th century remaking, beside the gigantic columns in Corinthian style. The cloister was at first devoted to St. Dwindle and St. Paul: in any case, in the ninth century, the commitment was changed to St. Giles himself, who had turned out to be a standout amongst the most loved figures in the zone.

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