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Copenhagen Christmas Festival

25 Dec 2025

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25 Dec 2025

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About Copenhagen Christmas Festival

The whole month of December is dominated by Christmas. In many towns, the primary shopping roads are finished with fir festoons and lights. In squares and gardens, there are Christmas trees with pixie lights, a custom going back to 1914, when the main Christmas tree was lit on the Town Hall Square in Copenhagen. As of late, it has likewise turned out to be normal to cover numerous different trees or protests with pixie lights. Most Danish homes participate in the check down to Christmas Eve, halfway by lighting a timetable flame each day and incompletely by lighting the Advent wreath on the last four Sundays before Christmas.
The timetable flame is a Danish convention which was first proposed as a remark at home with the kids in 1935, yet since 1942 has been delivered modernly. The Advent wreath turned out to be extremely across the board after it had been the theme on the 1946 Christmas seal, the exceptional stamp issued for Christmas consistently. With its four candles, the Advent wreath denotes the four Sundays in the Christian Advent, which is the New Year time of the Church. The Church year starts on the main Sunday in Advent, which falls on one of the seven dates between 27 November and 3 December. Aside from the schedule flame, the youngsters have at least one Advent logbooks, which may either have 24 folds to be opened one daily or 24 little wrapped-up presents.
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