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Copenhagen Blues Festival

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About Copenhagen Blues Festival

The Blues is numerous things, it is a convention, yet in addition development and advancement. The celebration is renowned for its introduction of The Blues in a fine harmony amongst custom and new articulations, and their consistent melodic aspiration is to cover all styles of blues and to exhibit a program of the most astounding conceivable worldwide level. In this way, as usual, you'll locate the prepared blues veterans performing close by some exceptionally gifted youthful craftsmen, who will lead into what's to come.

The celebration week offers around 50 blues shows at 18 scenes all finished town, and you'll discover all styles and ieties of The Blues: from acoustic delta, people, nation, jazz to urban, crazy blues, Chicago, New Orleans, swampy Mississippi, rankling Texas boogie and power blues-shake, jumpin' and jivin' Westcoast blues, jazz-blues and trail breaking new traverse styles.

Blue Copenhagen For 5 days, beginning Wednesday, Sept. 28-Oct 2, the Blues will sound everywhere throughout the city, and we welcome all blues fans to visit the city's numerous clubs and settings for seven days of world-class universal blues, and some great homegrown blues. The program additionally has exceptionally solid female portrayal with Miriam Mandipira, Lea Thorlann, Girls Club with Sahra da Silva, Louise Hoegh and Sara Broberg, and from London, Samantha Antoinette, who shows up with a few leaving line-ups.

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