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Boun Khao Padabdin

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About Boun Khao Padabdin

The 14th day of the waning moon of the ninth month of Buddhist schedule, all Laotians every year celebrate the feas of Ho Khao Padabdine, the "Day of the Dead". That day, the Buddhist make a gift until the very end, as nourishment conveyed to them emblematically through the priests. Ho Khao Padapdine implies '' to packets  of rice and place them on the floor''. As indicated by the statutes of Buddha, the Buddhist Lent is the great time to shun terrible deeds. Buddhist ought to apply the Dharma: the regard of the five rules of the Buddha, reflection and donations. It is likewise time to finish the farming work, as transplanting of paddy.

To commend the Boun Khao Padabdine Ho, the Buddhist are getting ready contributions made out of Tomh Khao, Khao Nom Neb, products of the soil sort of nourishments that will be offered to priests . These religious activities are proposed to respect the dead and the spirits. The event of the festival, families put their gifts in a plastic holder or plate. Some portion of the sustenance contributions for the predecessors are set in compartments made of paper or banana leaves. So in this moonless night, somewhere down oblivious, unwavering store salty nourishment, leafy foods, betel quids and cigarettes at the foot of stupas containing the fiery remains of the dead, or under the trees. During the night time, the dead are permitted to come collect these gifts.

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