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Plaza of Independence Trip Packages
Plaza of Independence Trip Packages

Plaza of Independence

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About Plaza of Independence

Independence Square is the fundamental and imperative public square of Quito, Ecuador. This is the relevant square of the city and one of the symbols of the executive strength of the state. Its important characteristic is the monument to the independence heroes of August 10, 1809, date remembered as the First Cry of Independence of the Royal Audience of Quito from spanish monarchy. The square is flanked by using the Carondelet Palace, the Metropolitan Cathedral, the Archbishop's Palace, the Municipal Palace and the Plaza Grande Hotel.

Although the primary colonial metropolis square was what nowadays is called Plazoleta Benalcázar, this has usually been taken into consideration as tentative because it were given up a direction suitable for newbie Spanish city of Quito. It changed into simplest inside the seventeenth century, within the 12 months 1612, while the powers of the town moved to the area around the Plaza Grande, they decided to call this manner for being the largest at the time.

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