About Rabjerg Mile
The Dune of Råbjerg Mile is the greatest moving edge in Denmark. The west drift has for quite a while struggled with migrating slopes in light of the severe breeze and sand secured locales - and being close Grenen in Skagen, the atmosphere at Råbjerg Mile is far from smooth. Sand migration has impacted ious lives on the west drift, compelling people to move in light of the way that their undertakings of advancement were demolished by entire zones being peddled in sand as slopes confined.
The sand-secured church of Skagen stays as confirmation of the ascent swallowing everything in its way - Today, simply the assemblage tower is unmistakable. The brick house of supplication is completely covered in the sand, while the towers develop from the sand as if no gathering was ever there. From the most elevated purpose of the slope, you will experience a stunning point of view. Walking around the best can be to some degree testing, be that as it may, the view is legitimized paying little mind to the effort.