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About Danish Poster Museum
The Danish Poster Museum in Aarhus, Denmark is a historical center devoted to the historical backdrop of publication workmanship. The historical center is arranged in the outside exhibition hall The Old Town in the Town Center neighborhood in focal Aarhus. The exhibition hall begins from an accumulation by the Danish painter Peder Stougaard who started gathering notices in 1972. At first the accumulation was fundamentally Danish however it has been extended with publication workmanship from over the world through effort to international safe havens and exhibition halls.
The Poster Museum was established in 1993 and Stougaards gathering was given to the historical center where it stays key to the display and general accumulation. In 2006 the historical center moved into structures in the Old Town exhibition hall. The passageway to the gallery is a structure from the Danish National Exhibition of 1909 however the inside is a cutting edge complex in two stories, planned by the designers firm C.F. Moller. In September 2012 Elsebeth Aasted Schanz was delegated to the situation of historical center executive.
The accumulation traverses somewhere in the range of 400.000 blurbs with a wide establishment, covering a wide range of publications from business publicizing to divider craftsmanship, both national and global. The display corridor demonstrates a gathering of traditional Danish publications from the nineteenth and twentieth hundreds of years with 6-8 yearly shows concentrated on a particular subject, for example, the Second World War, the Cold War and the nonconformist development.
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Very Good