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Yuntai Mountain Trip Packages

Yuntai Mountain

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About Yuntai Mountain

The Yuntai Mountain is arranged in Xiuwu County, Jiaozuo, Henan Province of People's Republic of China. The Yuntai Geo Park picturesque zone is named an AAAAA grand territory by the China National Tourism Administration. The China National Tourism Administration is a broken up Chinese government expert in charge of the advancement of the travel industry in the nation. The CNTA is subordinate to the State Council. Its base camp are in Beijing, with local offices in different provinces.
CNTA does not have the expert of a full office inside the Chinese government to implement directions, yet in different regards it goes about as a service. Common CNTA workplaces in every Chinese territory answer to the focal office in Beijing. CNTA has 18 abroad workplaces called CNTO China National Tourism Offices that are accused of elevating the travel industry to China. In Europe, there are CNTO workplaces in London and Paris. CNTA is remarkable as a travel industry office in that it is likewise in charge of controlling the outpouring of voyagers from China abroad. On 5 October, 2015 an as of late opened glass walkway to the mountain split two weeks in the wake of opening causing the conclusion of the walkway.
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