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Xiangyan Temple Trip Packages

Xiangyan Temple

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About Xiangyan Temple

Xiangyan Temple is a popular Chinese Buddhist Temple in Xichuan County in southeastern Henan region, People's Republic of China. It was first worked in Year 767 by Nanyang Huizhongi the second year amid Emperor Daizong's rule of the Tang Dynasty period and it was named "Changshou Temple" after. Emperor Daizong of Tang,personal name Li Yu, ne Li Chu, was a sovereign of the Chinese Tang Dynasty.
Ruler Daizong was the oldest child of Emperor Suzong – the primary Emperor of the Tang line to prevail as the oldest youngster, and amid the Anshi Rebellion, he filled in as a general of Tang and Huige joint tasks that recovered the capital Chang'an and the eastern capital Luoyang from the dissident territory of Yan, and the Anshi Rebellion was at long last put down right off the bat in his very own rule, in 763. Be that as it may, from that point, the Tang state was tormented by warlords, for example, Tian Chengsi, Li Baochen, and Liang Chongyi who basically administered their domains as autonomous states while just promising ostensible faithfulness to the sovereign.

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