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Shandong Museum

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About Shandong Museum

The Shandong Museum is the main museum of Shandong Province. It is situated in the City of Jinan, Shandong, China. It is one of the biggest museums in the nation. The Shandong Museum involves a working with 82,900 square meters of space and houses a gathering of in excess of 210 000 chronicled curios. The precursor of the Shandong Museum, the Yidu Museum, was built up by the British Baptist evangelist John Sutherland Whitewright in Qingzhou in 1887. The museum moved to Jinan in 1904 and was renamed to Guangzhi Yuan. In 1942, the museum extended to a working in the compound of the Red Swastika Society on Shangxin Street.

When the Shandong Provincial Museum was established in 1954, its accumulation of recorded antiquities possessed the compound of the Red Swastika Society, though the Guangzhi Yuan housed its common history gathering. The building was finished in October 1992, its road address is: Number 14 Jing Shiyi Road, Lixia District, Jinan. In December 2007, ground was broken for another, altogether bigger museum situated on Yaojia Street in the Lixia District toward the southeast of Jinan's city center. This new museum building was opened to the general population on November 16, 2010. The official name of the new museum was abbreviated from "Shandong Provincial Museum" to "Shandong Museum".

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