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Liancheng Guanshan Trip Packages

Liancheng Guanshan

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About Liancheng Guanshan

Liancheng Guanshan, named after its fundamental height akin to the historical crown, has the momentum of Wuyi Mountain, the open- mindedness of Taimu Mountain, and the land of Rabbit Ear Ridge. Containing that means of being just and sincere, the old call is "Dongtian Mountain" and "Lianfeng Mountain". Located in Liancheng County metropolis. The mountain frame stands at a height of 1.5 kilometers east of the county, and it isn't high. The scenic location is 123 square kilometers. In 1986, it become offered the “Top Ten Scenic Spots in Fujian” with the aid of its herbal beauty. In 1994, the State Council announced that it became a country wide key scenic spot.

"The floor is standing tall, not from the high self, now not from the space". The scenic area is 123 rectangular kilometers. It is a combination of mountains, water, rocks, caves, springs, temples and gardens. It is surprising, clean and deep, and belongs to the Danxia landform of Wuyi. It is known as: “Beiyi Nanxun, Dan Xia double is truelz". Liancheng landscape is well worth the charge. The Liancheng Mountain in Liancheng County, that is located inside the west of Fujian Province, is not self-enough. It does now not guide the capacity and is far far from the space. It is directly inside the center and is within the forefront. It became named because the Top Ten Scenic Area of Fujian Province in 1986.

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