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Honghu Park Trip Packages

Honghu Park

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About Honghu Park

Honghu Park is a public, urban park in Luohu District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. Located in Luohu District, Honghu Park is bordered via Sungang Bridge on the South, Honghu West Road at the West, Nigang Bridge at the North, and Honghu East Road and Wenjin North Road at the East. It is a complete park of the topic of lotus, with water sports as characteristic enjoyment activities. It covers a place of 591,500-rectangular-metre, of which land place of 324,600-rectangular-metre, and water vicinity of 266,900-square-metre. Honghu Park was formally opened to the general public in 1984. Established in September 1984, Honghu Park is a multifunctional botanical garden and scenic spot integrating scientific research, lotus species collection and show in addition to tourism.

Park is a place of herbal, semi-herbal or planted area set apart for human enjoyment and pastime or for the safety of natural world or herbal habitats. It may also consist of grassy areas, rocks, soil and bushes, however can also include homes and other artifacts such as monuments, fountains or playground systems. In North America, many parks have fields for gambling sports activities including affiliation football, baseball and soccer, and paved areas for video games along with basketball. Many parks have trails for on foot, biking and other sports. Some parks are constructed adjoining to bodies of water or watercourses and may comprise a beach or boat dock location.

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