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Fengguo Temple

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About Fengguo Temple

Fengguo Temple is a Buddhist sanctuary situated in Yixian, Liaoning Province, China. The sanctuary was first established in 1020 amid the Liao dynasty 915– 1125, and became very extensive amid the subsequent centuries. Today, just two halls, two gates, and a beautiful curve survive. The most imperative surviving building is the Mahavira Hall, a substantial lobby that dates from 1020. The corridor is outstanding for containing seven extensive Buddha sculptures, and other smaller sculptures, all dating from the Liao Dynasty.
It has had several names throughout the centuries, including the "Xianxi Temple" Originally, Fengguo Temple had a Dharma Hall behind the Mahavira Hall, three pavilions in front, and a door. One of the pavilions was situated along the axis and two more confronted each other inwards along the axis. As of now, just the Mahavira Hall survives from the sanctuary's founding.Despite the fact that Fengguo Temple is not expressly referenced by name, in Jung Chang's best-selling self-portrayal Wild Swans the creator tells how her grandparents first met there.
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