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Newcastle Island Marine Provincial Park Trip Packages
Newcastle Island Marine Provincial Park Trip Packages

Newcastle Island Marine Provincial Park

Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada
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About Newcastle Island Marine Provincial Park

Newcastle Island is a provincial park situated on a little island off the shoreline of Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada. Newcastle Island has had a significant adventure from a regular angling site for the Coast Salish to the excellent marine park it is today. Every year the Natives would for all intents and purposes get their homes and proceed onward, driving the Spanish and Hudson's Bay Company pioneers to trust the island was uninhabited. The herring that pulled in the Coast Salish were their very own industry. A few Oriental herring salteries and fisheries were based on the Northwestern shoreline of the island.

At present, nobody with the exception of park specialists live on Newcastle Island. The First Nations people groups who occupied the island left in 1849 when the Hudson's Bay Company began opening up coal mines. The recreation centre has turned into a great degree prevalent vacationer recognize that presently obliges explorers, campers, fledgling watchers, and kayakers alike. Autos are precluded on the island. There is no man-made scaffold interfacing Newcastle Island to some other land, yet in the mid year at low tide, you can stroll over the thin straits isolating it from Protection Island, scarcely getting your feet wet. Stroll in campgrounds are accessible on a first-come, first-served premise.

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