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Nanaimo Bastion Trip Packages
Nanaimo Bastion Trip Packages

Nanaimo Bastion

Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada
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About Nanaimo Bastion

The Nanaimo Bastion is an authentic octagon formed stronghold situated at 98 Front Street in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada. The Hudson's Bay Company, which at that point held an illustrious rent on all of what was then the Colony of Vancouver Island, fabricated it somewhere in the range of 1853 and 1855 to shield its coal mining tasks in Nanaimo. It has been called "Nanaimo's head historic point", due to its shape and its high perceivability from both land and ocean.

The Bastion was developed utilizing the piece-sur-piece (post-and-board) strategy. This involved laying timbers over each other evenly, with joins cut into the finishes. These joins would then be embedded into vertical posts. This technique was utilized halfway because of the costly cost of nails; by utilizing the piece-sur-piece strategy, not very many nails were required. The wooden structure sat on a stone work establishment and was three stories tall. At present it is the main known staying unattached pinnacle structure worked by the Hudson's Bay Company.

The Bastion is overseen by the Nanaimo Museum and is available to guests amid the late spring from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. It works as a traveller data fixate for the benefit of Tourism Nanaimo, and holds shows on the historical backdrop of the building. The Nanaimo Museum additionally has a day by day gun discharging at twelve amid the midyear months, only a couple of feet from the Bastion.

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